7 Tips to Make the Most of Your Short-Term Dumpster Rental

At Yankee Dumpster, we’re all about making your property cleaner and your life easier. The purpose of dumpster rental is to simplify your life by making a change more manageable. That change may be moving, downsizing, construction, decluttering or sifting through an inheritance.

One thing all of those situations have in common is that they’re complicated and time-consuming. Dumpsters help you to simplify and take your time with sorting while saving the time you’d spend transporting trash. But what if time is something in short supply?

Unfortunately, sometimes you need to get through something quickly. Maybe it was an unpleasant surprise, or you’re trying to save on rental costs. Whatever your reasons, there are ways to organize your short-term rental to make it more efficient and ensure you do it right.

Here are Yankee’s top 7 tips for efficient short-term rental in Mt. Dora.

Know Your Timeline

If your timeline isn’t flexible, it’s essential to work within it. Our dumpster rentals are adjustable, so you can let us know when you need it delivered and when you need it picked up again. Gives us your dates so we can work within them.

But that’s the easy part! You need to figure out how you can work within time constraints too. That’s why we’ve always stressed the importance of a plan.

Let those you’re working with know your timeline too.

full garage

Pick the Right Spot

Your dumpster location matters more than you might at first think. So, first, you want to put it somewhere accessible for you. That means two things: close and easy to navigate.

Ideally, you will have your dumpster near an exit, preferably near where you’ll be doing most of the work. But perhaps even more importantly, you should ensure the path to your dumpster is clear.

You will likely be transporting a lot of material. Some of it will be heavy, and some will be hard to maneuver. Make your life easier by planning a clear, unobstructed path.

Sort Carefully

We’ve written blogs about sorting when going through your things for decluttering or moving and sorting out the items from an inheritance. Both situations involve picking through what you’re keeping, selling, giving away, and throwing away. Each of these piles should have a distinct space so they don’t run into one another.

Ideally, you will have already completed your sorting before renting a dumpster because this is the most time-consuming part of the process.

Visibility is Key

Within your sorting areas, especially your throw-away pile, you must be able to see all of the items. This may seem silly for stuff you’re planning to trash, but it isn’t for reasons that will soon be clear.

Size Matters

You may think the whole point of dumpster rental is that you can toss everything without thinking about it. And if you have time to have your dumpster picked up, emptied, and re-delivered, that’s true. But you must be more careful if working within a time crunch.

Part of your sorting should be by size. In this way, you should even sort items when throwing them away.
Dumpster full of furniture

Big Items First

Load your largest items into the dumpster first. If you put the small things in, they might not fall in a way that will optimize the space in your dumpster rental. When you load the large items, you can do it mindfully and ensure nothing is hanging out over the top (which is not allowed).

Fit Smaller items Wherever There is Space

After you’ve loaded the larger items, you can add the next largest, then the next largest, and so on. Not only can you put them on top of the larger items. It would be best if you filled all the spaces between the largest things to optimize your dumpster space fully.

Load (Almost) Like You Read

Fill the dumpster in layers and go from one side to the other. You read a page from top to bottom and left to right. You should load your dumpster from bottom to top and from one side to the other.

We’ll let you choose whether you want to start with right or left but stick with your choice.

Dumpster Rental with A Time Crunch

Pretty much any situation that requires a short-term dumpster rental can be equal parts intimidating and exciting. Adding a time crunch will tip the scales more toward anxiety-producing. Our six tips will help you navigate your situation to make the most of the short time you have.